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Index catalog Press of Russia: 39898

Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal

L. U. Bikmaeva PECULIARITIes of use of Consonants in Sterlitamak subdialect and their cartographic interpretation // I. YAKOVLEV CHUVASH STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. 2016. № 4(92). p. 46-51
Author(s):L. U. Bikmaeva
Index of UDK:811.512.145
Index of DOI:
Name of article:PECULIARITIes of use of Consonants in Sterlitamak subdialect and their cartographic interpretation

 Mishar dialect, Sterlitamak subdialect, mixed subdialects, linguistic and geographical interpretation, isoglossian phenomena, cartographic material, phonetic system, consonants, anlaut position, medial position, auslaut position.


The article provides a brief characteristic of the phonetic system of Sterlitamak subdialect in comparison with the data on some subdialects of other dialects in the Tatar language of Uralo-Povolzhye as exemplified by anlaut, inlaut, auslaut positions. The criterion of phonetic peculiarities of consonants of a particular region is revealed by considering the spread of the phenomena alike in the region. The article reveals some additional dialectal phenomena in the area of consonants, specifies and expands the boundaries of the spread of Sterlitamak subdialect in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The paper also gives a detailed cartographic interpretation of the phonetic peculiarities of the discussed subdialect in comparison to other mixed subdialects of the Western Transurals.



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