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Index catalog Press of Russia: 39898

Abstract and Keyword Requirements

Автор: admin от 27-05-2015, 11:27
Abstract Requirements

An abstract is a brief summary of a research article. It presents the main conclusions of the reported research.

The abstract should be structured according to the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) principle as follows: a) introduction – relevance, goals and objectives of the research; b) methods – description of when, where and how the research was carried out; what information, methods were used; who was included into the test group; c) results – main conclusions (particulars), research findings; d) discussion – discussing the extent to which the result obtained is consistent with findings of other scientists; research prospects, research potential leading to new insight, challenges.

The abstract must be written in a simple and clear way without any extra details or figures.

The abstract is provided in the Russian and English languages.

The abstract should be at least 500 printed characters in size.

Keywords Requirements

Keywords should be concise and reflect the content and specifics of a manuscript.

Keywords are provided in the Russian and English languages.

The number of keywords should be not more than 7.