Keywords: | introductory phonetic course, sound, Russian language, Russian as a Foreign Language, phonetics, phonetic skills
Abstracts: | The study of the Russian language by foreign students begins with acquaintance with the alphabet, basic communication models and the formation of pronunciation and reading skills. Russian phonetic features are traditionally studied by foreign speakers at the introductory phonetic course of Russian as a Foreign Language and continues at the supporting and correction courses. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the works of E. A. Bryzgunova, L. V. Bondarko, L. A. Verbitskaya, L. L. Kasatkin, and others in the field of phonetics of the modern Russian language, the works of N. B. Bitekhtina, V. N. Klimov, N. L. Fedotova, S. S. Khromov, T. V. Shustikova, O. V. Shchukina and others in the field of methods of teaching Russian. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the correct articulation of vowels and consonants of the Russian language, the correct pronunciation of combinations of sounds and words are of great importance in the course of Russian as a Foreign Language, creating a reliable basis for the formation of further linguistic competencies of students in all types of speech activity.
This work is devoted to the description of the features of the formation of phonetic skills when getting acquainted with the system of Russian vocalism and consonantism. The author used methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as descriptive method, methods of transformation and comparison. On the example of the mistakes of Chinese students and the studied material, typical phonetic mistakes of foreign students in mastering the sound side of the Russian language are characterized and substantiated, for example, the indistinguishability of consonant sounds on the basis of hardness/softness and sonority/deafness, the replacement of Russian sounds by Chinese and irregularity articulations of sounds characteristic of the Russian language. The article also provides examples of exercises to overcome the described errors and develop phonetic skills.
The contact details of authors: | Юркина Татьяна Николаевна – кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского и чувашского языков Чувашского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Я. Яковлева, г. Чебоксары, Россия,,